Terms And
Member Registration
Terms And Conditions
To use the catering services provided by Jet Team, you must register as a member. If you wish to register, please agree to the membership terms and conditions below and then click the “Agree to the Terms and Conditions and proceed” button.
Terms and Conditions of Use
These terms and conditions shall be applied to any and all relationships between you and the Company. By using the catering service operated by the Company (the “Service”), you are deemed to have consented to, and are requested to comply with, these terms and conditions.
1. Membership Registration
In order for you to use the Service, you are required to be registered as a member as described below:
(1) Procedures
First, please read the terms and conditions set out in the “Membership Registration Page” on this website and give your consent. Then, you are requested to apply to the Company for membership registration by entering the requisite information including, without limitation, your name (company name), address, telephone number and e-mail address, (“Registered Information”). Membership registration is completed when the Company gives approval to your application, notifies you of completion of registration by e-mail, and issues a membership password (“Registered Password”). No registration fee or annual membership fee will be charged.
(2) Membership qualification
The Company may refuse your membership registration if you fall under any of the following:
- if you previously breached these terms and conditions and have been subject to disposition such as cancellation of membership registration;
- if you area registered member, or
- if you are otherwise considered ineligible to be a member by the Company.
(3) Notification of change of Registered Information
If any change in Registered Information occurs after membership registration, you are required to promptly notify the Company thereof through this website.
(4) Password management
- As for the handling of your Registered Password, you are requested to manage it on your own responsibility. The Company shall not in any way be responsible for any damages caused by inadequate management, incorrect use, or unauthorized use by third party, etc. of your Registered Password.
- The Company shall deem that logging into a members-only page by using your Registered Password is an outcome of your own use of your Registered Password, and the Company shall not be obliged to conduct any further confirmation thereof. Any charge which is incurred as a result of use, etc., of the Service using your Registered Password shall be charged to you.
- In case you come to know any unauthorized use of your Registered Password by a third party, you shall immediately notify it to the Company.
(5) Withdrawal from membership
If you desire to withdraw from the membership, you are requested to delete your Registered Information in accordance with the procedures separately prescribed by the Company. If there is any outstanding obligation between you and the Company at the time of the completion of the withdrawal procedures, such obligation shall survive and continue without being affected by your withdrawal from the membership, and such obligation shall be performed in accordance with these terms and conditions.
(6) Handling of Registered Information
The Company will not use your Registered Information for any purpose other than to provide the Service except for the following cases:
- when the Company reasonably considers that disclosure of the Registered Information is required pursuant to laws and regulations;
- when the provision of the Registered Information is necessary for prevention of a person’s death, injury or sickness and when the Company considers that it is difficult to obtain your consent in advance;
- when the provision of the Registered Information is necessary to cooperate with the performance of duties prescribed by laws and regulations by any public agency, such as the police, courts, public prosecutor’s office, or the consumer affairs bureau, or a local government, or a commissioned entity thereof;
- when the Company is consolidated or merged with any other entity and the Company considers that it is necessary to transfer the Registered Information for the continuance of the Service, or
- when Registered Information is provided to a credit card company or settlement agency, etc. which is affiliated with the Company only to the extent necessary to check authenticity, etc., with regard to payment for the Service.
2. Use of the Service
(1) Scope of the Service
If you are registered as a member, the Service is available to you in accordance with these terms and conditions. The Service is to procure and deliver to you the food and beverages you have ordered through this website (the “Subject Products”). The Company shall charge you handling charges and overtime charges (if any), etc., as described below in addition to the price of the Subject Products.
(2) Handling charges
The Company will charge you the following handling charges in accordance with your total order amount (per flight) (including consumption taxes):
Total Order Amount
(Per Flight)Handling Charges ¥1 to ¥100,000 ¥20,000 ¥100,001 to ¥300,000 ¥30,000 ¥300,001 to ¥500,000 ¥40,000 ¥500,001 to ¥1,000,000 ¥50,000 ¥1,000,001 or more ¥100,000 Consumption taxes shall be in addition to the above amounts.
(3) Delivery charges
The Company will charge you the following delivery charges in accordance with your total order amount (per flight) (per departure airport) (including consumption taxes):
Delivery Charges Total Order Amount
(Per Flight)Haneda Airport
(HND)Narita Airport
(NRT)¥1 to ¥100,000 ¥10,000 ¥20,000 ¥100,001 to ¥300,000 ¥20,000 ¥30,000 ¥300,001 to ¥500,000 ¥25,000 ¥35,000 ¥500,001 to ¥1,000,000 ¥30,000 ¥40,000 ¥1,000,001 or more ¥50,000 ¥60,000 Consumption taxes shall be in addition to the above amounts.
(4) Overtime charges
“Short Notice Charges” will be applied to orders or any additions to existing orders made on or after 5 p.m. two days prior to the departure date.
“Night Charges” will be applied to any food and beverage to deliveries between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
The overtime fees are calculated as follows:-
Short Notice Charges
10% of the total order amount (per flight) (including consumption taxes) (provided however, that if such amount is less than 10,000 yen, the short notice charge shall be 10,000 yen.)
10% of the total additional order amount for the items ordered after 5pm of the second day prior to the departure date (per flight) (including consumption taxes) -
Night Charges
Consumption taxes shall be in addition to the above amounts.
(5) Cancellation fee
If you placed an order but subsequently cancel it, cancellation fee at the rates described below will be charged to the total order amount (per flight) (including the consumption taxes) according to the timing of cancellation. If it becomes impossible to deliver the Subject Product which you ordered and which the Company has already made arrangement thereof, as a result of change in the time and/or place of delivery, etc., due to the reason not attributable to the Company, the Company shall deem that the order is cancelled.
At or later than 5 p.m. of the second day prior to the departure date
100% of the total order amount (per flight) (including the consumption taxes)
At or later than 5 p.m. of the day three days prior to the departure date, but prior to 5 p.m. of the second day prior to the departure date
50% of the total order amount (per flight) (including the consumption taxes)
Prior to 5 p.m. of the day three days prior to the departure date
25% of the total order amount (per flight) (including the consumption taxes)
(6) Payment
The payment of the price of the Subject Products and the above handling charges and overtime charges, etc. (if any) shall be made by using credit card acceptable to the Company, or, if so agreed by transfer to the bank account designated by the Company (bank transfer charges shall be borne by you).
3. Disclaimer
(1) Upon placement of order
If it is impossible to procure the Subject Product you wish due to lack of stock or due to the season, etc., the Company is allowed not to accept your order.
If it becomes impossible for the Company to arrange certain Subject Product for various reasons after acceptance of your order, the Company is allowed to replace the relevant Subject Product with any other Subject Product, or give up the arrangement thereof at its sole discretion, and to deliver only the Subject Products available to the Company.
(2) Upon delivery
The Company shall not be responsible in the case of delay or failure of delivery of Subject Products due to force majeure, such as the weather, acts of God, power failure, disputes, accidents upon delivery or system failure, change in time or place of delivery, or for any other reason not attributable to the Company, or if it is otherwise impossible to provide the Service due to unforeseeable circumstances.
The Company shall deliver Subject Products prior to their expiration time (i.e., the time by which the Subject Products shall be consumed) and in a manner as designated by suppliers or in cold boxes with refrigerants, however, can not guarantee the condition or quality of Subject Product after delivery.
Condition or quality of Subject Product after delivery can not be guaranteed. If you do not consume the Subject Product before the expiration time, you are requested to make your own judgment at your own responsibility. The Company shall be discharged from any and all damages arising therefrom.
(3) Product liability, etc.
The Company procures the Subject Products you ordered from restaurants, etc., and delivers them to you. The Company shall not be responsible for any problem in the Subject Products which relates to the materials and manufacturing (cooking) process of the Subject Products.
Although the Company makes efforts to ensure accuracy of the explanations and the picture images of Subject Products on this website, this cannot be a guarantee that there is no fault in the accuracy, completeness and recency thereof. Furthermore, the Company is not responsible for the explanations and picture images of Subject Products on the websites linked to this website. If there is any discrepancy between the actual status and explanation, picture images, etc. in this website or liked website, the actual status shall supersede.
(4) Others
Even in case the Service is ceased or suspended in its entirety or in part due to any reason not attributable to the Company, including, without limitation, force majeure such as acts of God, power failure, trouble or emergency maintenance of telecommunication circuit or internet connection, default by telecommunications carriers, or, trouble, emergency maintenance, failure, trouble or malfunction of servers or software, the Company shall not be liable for any of your damages as a result thereof.
If you caused any damage to the Company due to violation of these terms and conditions, or through illegal acts, the Company shall cancel your membership registration and claim against you for any damage incurred.
When you move to another website from this website through links and banners, the Company shall not in any way be responsible for the information and service, etc., which is provided through such websites you have moved to.
4. Acts Prohibited to Customers
You are prohibited from taking any of the following actions upon use of this website:
- to transmit or to enter information or otherwise use the Service by spoofing;
- to use the Service in a manner other than that approved by the Company;
- to use this website for any purposes other than the use of the Service;
- to make alterations to this website without permission;
- to transmit destructive computer programs, etc., and to transmit spam mails, chain letters, junk mails, etc.;
- to infringe on, or to conduct any act which is likely to infringe on copyright, trademark right or any other intellectual property right of the Company or any third party;
- to conduct any act which is likely to defame, slander, dishonor, violate privacy of the Company or any third party;
- to disclose to the public any information, articles or graphics, etc., which are against public policy;
- to intentionally register false information of yourself or any third party such as names, addresses, telephone numbers or e-mail addresses;
- to conduct any act which is a nuisance to the Company or any third party, and
- to conduct any other act which violates or is likely to violate laws and regulations, public policy or these terms and conditions.
5. Copyright
- The copyright of the contents of this website (including all structures, designs, graphics such as illustrations and photographs, and articles, etc.) (including the rights prescribed in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act of Japan; hereinafter the same) shall belong to the Company. Unauthorized reproduction or redistribution of the contents of this website constitutes infringement of copyright.
- The copyright to postings or any other work posted on this website shall belong to the Company. You shall not by any means exercise any moral right of the author of the works you posted on this website.
6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Any and all disputes in connection with the Service and these terms and conditions shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as a court of first instance.
[For customers who wish to establish a link to the website]If you wish to establish a link to this website, please notify the purpose of establishing the link and the URL of the website to be linked to, etc., to the Company in advance, through “For Inquiries”. Please establish links on the top page of this website, in principle. In some cases, we may refuse your request for establishment of links. In addition, please refrain from establishing links to any page which is against public policy or which violates laws and regulations and ordinances.
Established and enforced on September 1, 2013